Disaster Recovery Planning


The Disaster Recovery Guide is intended to be a launch pad for those seeking help with the business continuity planning process. It offers information, guidance, tips, and links to a range of resources.

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Disaster Recovery Guide

Disaster Recovery Policies

The top level of the organization should issue a clear policy statement on disaster recovery planning. At an absolute minimum, this statement should contain the following instructions:

    The organisation should develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan.

    A formal risk assessment should be undertaken in order to determine the requirements for the disaster recovery plan.

    The disaster recovery plan should be periodically tested in a simulated environment to ensure that it can be implemented in emergency situations and that the management and staff understand how it is to be executed.

    The disaster recovery plan should cover all essential and critical business activities.

    The disaster recovery plan is to be kept up to date to take into account changing circumstances.

    All staff must be made aware of the disaster recovery plan and their own roles within.

    A similar policy statement to this should be communicated to all management and staff as part of its information security policy management process.


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Disaster Recovery Plan Template

Creating a disaster recovery plan is considerably simplified by use of this template and guide.

Business Continuity Plan Generator

The BCP Generator is one of the most widely used support tools in the world.

Disaster Recovery Audit/Review

Using detailed questionnaires and checklists, this MS-Word toolkit will help you review both your contingency practices and recovery arrangements.

Disaster Recovery Toolkit

The DR Toolkit provides a comprehensive health check across the business continuity spectrum.

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